02 4861 7046 - 589 Moss Vale Road, Burradoo NSW 2576 chelsea@netkey.com.au

History of Chelsea Park

The house know as Chelsea Park is one of several notable houses in Burradoo, a tiny town only 2kms from Bowral in N.S.W Southern highlands It was designed by an enterprising and unique lady named Ethel Noreen Garry. Built by a Sydney builder for the then amazing sum of 5000 pounds. A creative person with many ideas ahead of her time, Ethel attended Sydney Technical College at Ultimo in 1923. She studied china painting and pottery. Her pottery was very creative as was her hand painted furniture which was sold in David Jones. With her sister she opened the first interior decorating shop in Bowral, she went on to teach pottery courses at Goulburn TAFE.

Ethel enjoyed building. She built five homes in Bowral and one in Goulburn. We have been very lucky to obtain a copy of Ethel’s self published autobiography and have had one of her daughters visit Chelsea Park. The information we have been able to obtain has enabled us to return the house to what it was like when it was built. Noreen was an enterprising woman of taste who lead a very interesting and adventuring life. Chelsea Park was inspired by her overseas travels in the 1920’s.

The original sweeping staircase and the steel framed windows remain and it has been decorated to suit the era and style of this special home. Chelsea Park is of only two Art Deco mansions in the Highlands so we are very fortunate to be able to share it and showcase the foresight of a very special lady Ethel Noreen Garry.

Davidia Williams 2018 (More History at the House in our copy of her Book.)

Contact Us

Chelsea Park Bed & Breakfast

589 Moss Vale Road
Burradoo NSW 2576
Phone: 02 4861 7046